
Mostrando entradas de 2010
Popular Photography Magazine - March 2010 Popular Photography Magazine - March 2010 PDF | English | 118 Pages | 17,6 Mb Popular Photography Magazine now known as Popular Photography and Imaging, also called Popular Photography or Pop Photo, is a monthly American consumer magazine founded in 1937 and the world's largest imaging magazine, with an editorial staff twice the size of its nearest competitor profiles ensure all areas of photography are covered. Download - Descargar

Popular Photography Magazine - February 2010

Popular Photography Magazine - February 2010 PDF | English | 124 Pages | 37,5 Mb Popular Photography Magazine now known as Popular Photography and Imaging, also called Popular Photography or Pop Photo, is a monthly American consumer magazine founded in 1937 and the world's largest imaging magazine, with an editorial staff twice the size of its nearest competitor profiles ensure all areas of photography are covered. Download - Descargar

Popular Photography Magazine - January 2010

Popular Photography Magazine - January 2010 PDF | English | 132 Pages | 21,6 Mb Popular Photography Magazine now known as Popular Photography and Imaging, also called Popular Photography or Pop Photo, is a monthly American consumer magazine founded in 1937 and the world's largest imaging magazine, with an editorial staff twice the size of its nearest competitor profiles ensure all areas of photography are covered. Download - Descargar

Timeless Secrets of health & rejuvenation

What actually causes disease? The answer might be surprising. In this new edition of his best-selling book The Key to Health and Rejuvenation, Andreas Moritz reveals the most common but rarely recognized reasons responsible for illness and aging and how to achieve continuous vibrant health. Andreas puts the responsibility of basic health care back into the hands of the individual. He states, "Healing occurs effortlessly and naturally once the conditions that are required for the body to return to its most natural state - balance and efficiency - have been met." The basic theme is the relative ease involved in creating good health. While physicians attempt to combat or subdue illness, they "know very little about employing the mind and body to actually heal a person." The book includes a complete self-help program, part of which is derived from the ancient medical system of Ayurveda. In addition, this book is packed with useful information on all major health issue...

La Sorprendente Limpieza Hepática y de la Vesícula

Descripción: Tener un hígado nuevo es como contar con una nueva oportunidad de vivir. Veinte millones de norteamericanos sufren anualmente de ataques provocados por cálculos biliares. Las cifras europeas no desmienten la gravedad del problema. En muchos casos, el tratamiento simplemente consiste en operar la vesícula, pero este enfoque, orientado simplemente a los síntomas, no elimina la causa de la enfermedad -los cálculos biliares que congestionan el hígado-, y en muchos casos, simplemente prepara el camino a problemas más graves. La mayoría de los adultos que habitan el mundo industrial, y especialmente aquellos que sufren de alguna enfermedad crónica, como enfermedades coronarias, artritis, esclerosis múltiple, cáncer o diabetes, tienen cientos, si no miles de cálculos biliares (principalmente masas de bilis endurecida), que bloquean los conductos biliares de su hígado. Este libro propone una lúcida explicación de las causas de los cálculos biliares en el hígado y la vesícula, y p...